With these Tips you can show off beautiful lashes

The most wow for a spectacular look are the eyelashes! Wouldn’t you love to wear long and healthy eyelashes naturally? Many women do not have them that way, whether for personal reasons such as age, genetics, hormonal changes and nutritional habits that influence their growth. But do not worry! The most important thing is to learn to take care of them and give them some time in your beauty routine.

We share our #XiCTips that will make you look dreamy eyelashes and that will make you feel safe and beautiful.

Nourish your eyelashes with XiC, this will help the eyelashes grow and get remarkable results in just 3 weeks.

How to use it? To potentiate its effect, you must first clean the eye area very well. Then you place your XiC treatment on the growth of your eyelashes, apply it carefully and removing the excess product. You can apply it in the morning after having bathed, or in the nights before going to sleep. If you apply it in the morning, wait for about 2 minutes to dry and continue with your beauty routine as usual! If you sleep with him, the next morning rinse your face with warm water before applying any treatment or makeup. If you include this step in your daily routine, you will notice the changes in weeks!

Accelerates its growth

Another of the best tips to grow your eyelashes? There are specialized treatments to prevent breakage of your eyelashes and make them grow with natural results, such as XiC.

That it is a hypoallergenic product, which thanks to the combination of ingredients, will stimulate your hair follicle by feeding the stem cell of the same.

Improve your diet

In addition to eating at your own time, be sure to incorporate foods rich in vitamin H, which is also known as biotin. It will grow your eyelashes quickly and keep your hair healthy! You can find it in bananas, nuts, almonds or sardines.

The consumption of antioxidants and citrus is also important for the growth of your eyelashes; Some antioxidants such as apples, nuts, green leafy vegetables, orange or lemon will be your allies. Have a glass of juice in the morning with some of these ingredients for breakfast and it will be the perfect complement to your health!

Take off

A super important factor that influences the damage and breakage of the eyelashes is not to remove makeup. The accumulated mask remains cause the eyelashes to weaken excessively. The solution? Remove makeup completely every night even if you are very tired, it is necessary to do so. Do it gently and lightly massage your eyelids to improve the circulation of that area.

If you use waterproof masks, it is recommended that you apply a biphasic makeup remover that combines an oil base with a water base that will completely clean your eyes. The next step is to wash your face with warm water and place XiC at the birth of the eyelashes.

Home therapy

It’s a weekend of being in bed watching your favorite series and reviewing social networks, why not spoil your eyelashes at the same time?

1.-If you have green tea leaves or chamomile, soak them in warm water for several minutes.

2.-Moisten two pieces of cotton with this infusion.

3.-Finally place them in your eyes for 15 minutes and remove with warm water, this will help your follicles to clean, improving your eye health and eyelash growth.

Look beautiful and natural with these #XiCTips.


24 FEBRUARY, 2020