Strengthen your nails!

Are you one of those who suffers from broken nails?

Many times the lack of moisture or not wearing gloves when having contact with cleaning products makes the nails weaker and therefore tend to break.

Take these tips into account to get them to crack.

1. Wash dishes with gloves, many cleaning supplies contain chemicals that damage the skin and nails.

2.Consume more protein.
Many times the nails break due to the lack of nutrients in the body. Start including white meats, eggs, green leafy vegetables.

3. Keep your nails short.
Having short nails will prevent them from breaking easily, in addition to avoiding scraping the enamel when it begins to remove as this will weaken the surface of your nails.

4. Watch out for nail products.
The nail polish remover is very invasive with the nails, limiting its use to once a week. Also avoid using artificial nails or hardeners, they refine the original nail and when removed remove part of the surface.